connected dots

Constream Ecosystem

where we seamlessly connect all aspects of construction project management,
empowering builders, designers, and architects to bring their visions to life.

Support Data Exchange

The Constream platform is designed to support automation and data exchange in the construction industry. Its ledger-based data architecture provides a single source of truth and ensures the authenticity and decentralization of data, helping to streamline processes and reduce the risk of errors. The platform could also be used to facilitate data exchange between different stakeholders in the construction process, improving communication and collaboration.

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Streamline Financial Management

In addition to its automation capabilities, the Constream platform also focuses on auditability and cost-efficiency. Its transparent, immutable, and auditable data ensures that organizations can track their financial performance and make informed decisions about how to allocate resources. This helps to unify the fragmented construction market by enabling trust, transparency, and accountability in each transaction.

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Leveraging Cutting-Edge Technology

The Constream platform could be used to support automation in various aspects of construction, such as the use of robots and other automated systems to assist with tasks such as material handling and site preparation. By using the Constream platform, organizations can take advantage of its advanced technology and architecture to improve efficiency and productivity while also reducing their environmental impact.

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Exploring New Frontiers

One of Constream’s fundamental drivers is future-proofness. The platform is designed to accommodate various facets of the far-reaching technological revolution – such as Industry 4.0, VR/AR, and process automation in the area of finance, DeFi and accounting.

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